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This is where you can find our past newsletters, videos, and other interesting links or articles, all about KA.  Don't forget to follow us on Facebook or sign up to one of our two newsletters.  


4/8/23:  Youthbeat News July 2023

We've decided to do things differently for the July 2023 edition of our Youthbeat newsletter - we'd like to share with you our year in pictures...

Click to read more....

alton Mentoring

Our young people are awesome!  This is what we've been up to in Alton Mentoring.


join our team
AS A volunteer


17/2/23:  Youth Worker Summit

Not long now for our Youth Worker summit on 22 February in Alton, Hampshire, but there's still time to sign up.  If you are a Youth Worker, part of a pastoral team, an ELSA (year 6+), or maybe you provide direct support to young people in another way, this event is for you...

Click to

6/1/23:  AGM

Join  us on 14/1/23 at either of our centres to hear about all of the great work we have got up to over the last year.

Last year - vision - developments


9/6/22:  Youthbeat News June 2022

The June edition of our Youthbeat newsletter, keeping parents, volunteers and supporters up to date with what is happening at KA.  This edition covers mask-making, Mamma Mia outing, new intern opportunities and the team finally had their Christmas party!!  And a big thank you to everyone who has supported us including the OPCC.

Click to read more....

29/1/22:  AGM

Join  us on zoom to hear about all of the great work have got up to over the last year.

Last year - vision - developments

30/11/21:  fundraising update

Our Escape Rooms are back and poor Elf Derek has been Elf-napped!  Can you work out where in the world he is before the time runs out?  For information about this and our other fundraising activities...

click here to find out more...


15/6/21:  Youthbeat News June 2021

The June edition of our Youthbeat newsletter, keeping parents, volunteers and supporters up to date with what is happening at KA.  This edition covers information about our changing trustees, opportunities to join the team as well as what we have been up to over the past term.

Click to read more....

20/5/21:  We have reached our target OF £22,500!!

A huge thank you to everyone who donated to our recent JustGiving campaign for our Petersfield centre building works.  We have reached our target and The Architectural Heritage Fund are matching it! 

We really couldn't have done it without you.  Our Petersfield centre has changed dramatically due to your generosity making it a more homely, welcoming space for young people.  

Thank you!


12/4/21:  Working together to support local families

Just before the Easter school break, staff members from The King’s Arms Petersfield Youth Project prepared food hampers to support 25 young people and their families during these difficult times.  This fantastic effort was in collaboration with other local agencies.

Read more....

31/3/21:  Hello and thank you:  changing trustees at the king's arms

Saying goodbye and a huge thank you to a much-loved  trustee and a big hello and welcome to a new one.

Read more ...


18/3/21:  Youthlink News March 2021

The March edition of our Youthlink newsletter includes challenges facing young people right now, upcoming dates for the Youth Workers Together forum and ReMind facillitator training and more.

Click to read more....

therm a floor.png

We did it!!

target reached

An enormous thank you to everyone who donated to our recent JustGiving campaign for carpet/flooring for our Alton centre.  We couldn't have done it without you! 


Petersfield Centre  update #6

Look how we've spent your donations - thank you!

28/1/21:  Report and Accounts

The content in the Impact section of our website has now been updated to reflect our latest Report and Accounts for the financial year 2019/20.

Take a look....


Alton Centre

update #7

One of our priorities is to be sustainable, we want to be here for young people, for their futures.


8/1/21:  Youthlink News january 2021

The January edition of our Youthlink newsletter includes new dates for the Youth Workers Together forum, ReMind facillitator training and an introduction to Lisa Hillan, our new Youthlink Programme Manager.

Click to read more....


2/12/20:  Youthbeat News December 2020

The December edition of our Youthbeat newsletter, keeping parents, volunteers and supporters up to date with what is happening at KA.  This edition covers information about this years' AGM, new staff members, our JustGiving campaigns and everything else that has been going on at KA - we've been busy!

Click to read more....


Alton Centre

update #6

Not far now!  Thank you to everyone for you support in making this happen.


Supporting, encouraging, guiding and having fun – please help us provide a brighter future for our young people and consider donating to us.

change a life



Petersfield centre update #5

Goodbye to the Courtyard - thanks for the memories!


Petersfield centre update #4

A view of the roof works and other changes this week...and we have a moving date - 18 August!  Here's Mandy...


alton centre

update #5

We're getting closer!  Painting, wiring and new flooring - there's so much going on at our new KA Alton Youth Centre.  Here's Charlie...


alton centre

update #4

Here' Lisa to show you the refurbishment of our new KA Alton Youth Centre.  The painting has  begun!  Thank you to everyone who has helped us so far. 


Petersfield centre update #3

More about our new KA Petersfield Youth Centre - the kitchen, the planters out front and fundraising.  We're raring to go!  Here's Mandy...


alton centre

update #3

What a difference a week makes!  The plasterboard is up and  plastering has begun at the new KA Alton Youth Centre.  Ben and Charlie show you around....


Petersfield centre update #2

More about our new KA Petersfield Youth Centre - bats and the roof, signage, kitchen developments and more - here's an update from Ben...


1/7/20:  Youthlink News July 2020

The July edition of our Youthlink newsletter, bringing together those who work with young people.  This edition covers our new Youth Workers Together forum, training opportunities, resources we've seen and we also introduce you to Debbie Marsh, from the EH School Nursing Team.

Click to read more....


alton centre

update #2

We can't wait to be able to welcome the Young People of Alton through the doors of our new KA Alton Youth Centre.  Here's Charlie to give you a sneak peak...


Petersfield centre update #1

It's official - we are now the very proud owners of 20 Dragon St - Let me show you around what will be the new King's Arms Youth Centre for Petersfield.

Stay informed


Follow us to stay up-to-date via videos and posts including information on our new centres, clubs, fundraising requests and other pleas for help!


Subscribe to one of our two  newsletters:  Youthbeat (for parents, volunteers and supporters) and Youthlink (for anyone who works with young people).  You can of course choose both!


25/6/20:  Youthbeat News June 2020

The June edition of our Youthbeat newsletter, keeping parents, volunteers and supporters up to date with what is happening at KA.  This edition covers our response to COVID-19 including Instagram, new zoom groups and a chat facility.  We also show you what has been happening with the building work on our Alton centre and some FAQs on our new centre at 20 Dragon St, Petersfield.

Click to read more....


alton centre

update #1

Caroline and Martha show you around our new KA Alton Youth Centre.  It's a work in progress!  

14/5/20:  a special message to our Young Carers

We think you are awesome!

4/4/20:  life goes on at king's arms youth charity

in alton  (alton Herald)

"Alton's King's Arms (KA) may have taken the decision to suspend in-person youth work in the town because of the lockdown, but it still aims to stay in touch....."

Click to read full article


30/3/20:  Youthlink News march 2020

The March edition of our Youthlink newsletter, bringing together those who work with young people.  This edition covers our new KA at Home, Tackling Stress with our annual Youth Conference, and data on issues facing young people.

Click to read more....


25/3/20:  Youthbeat News March 2020

The March edition of our Youthbeat newsletter, keeping parents, volunteers and supporters up to date with what is happening at KA.  This edition covers our response to COVID-19, team training and bonding, Tackling Stress with our annual Youth Conference, club news and other updates from across KA.

Click to read more....

Exciting times!  Collecting the keys to our new centre.




25/1/20:  Interview with The King's Arms

Our very own Mandy May is interviewed by The Friday Drive Time team on Wey Valley Radio.


Click to listen....

Stay informed


We have two Facebook pages, one for Alton and one for Petersfield.  Follow us on to stay up-to-date via videos and posts including information on our new centres, clubs, fundraising requests and other pleas for help!


Keep up-to-date with what's going on at The King's Arms by subscribing to our newsletter. 

We have two - Youthbeat is aimed at parents, volunteers and supporters and Youthlink is for anyone who works with young people.  You can of course choose both!

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  • Instagram

© 2021 The King's Arms Registered Charity No. 1087176, Company No. 04107491

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